Get ahead with tailored document transmission solutions

Experience the versatility of the CargoX Platform, designed to be a dynamic, cross-industry solution. Seamlessly integrate it into your industrial processes for tailored workflows that will revolutionize your trade document management.

As easy as email, e-banking or document processing

Use via browser or integration with REST API

Document, data and identity secured with blockchain


Use the CargoX Platform as a trusted document and information backbone to implement predictive analytics, inbound material preview, workload planning, document consolidation, and secure document exchange.


The platform supports escrow servicing capabilities, document tokenisation & trade, advanced trade finance document workflows, analytics and audit capabilities.


Use blockchain to digitalise paper-based documents of title processing workflows, introduce new financial products, advanced authorisation methods, trustworthy analytics and compliance.


Registration of original documents on the blockchain offers an ideal opportunity to support proofs of origin as well as the workflows of energy trading systems.


Immutability for healthcare, travel and entertainment documents, and all other sensitive data, with a detailed audit trail for monitoring and accountability.

Discover the powerful capabilities of the CargoX Platform

Companies can now avoid sending paper documents around the globe and instead send documents on a trusted blockchain in seconds. Team collaboration, workflows, and document management are provided out of the box.


Your documents or data will never be tampered with or corrupted again. Decentralised encrypted storage is 100% hacker-resilient*.


Your data is absolutely safe and well-protected from the prying eyes of the competition.


We will never lock you into private blockchains as we only use truly neutral public Ethereum blockchain technology.


The CargoX Platform is fast and reliable. This protects you from possible costs for cargo detention and demurrage.


It is much cheaper and easier to send a document around the globe digitally and securely, compared to sending a piece of paper with couriers.

Managed team collaboration

Workflows are flexible, teams can have hierarchies, and supervisors are empowered to confirm all seals of documents and envelopes to be transmitted.

Co-authoring of documents

Work with your business partners or colleagues in the preparation of documents and request approvals for the completion of documents.

In-platform messaging

Communicate your instructions on specific documents to your partners within the CargoX Platform.

Comprehensive document creation & repository

Manage documents, check progress and edit details of documents before they are sent to recipients.

Full-text search and tagging

Effortlessly search all your documents, contacts, bill of lading metadata and other information. Organise information with tags or in folders.


A simple web app, with API integration

The platform offers easy access via a web browser. All available functions can be integrated into corporate or government information systems (ERP) or into specific registers and workflows via REST API.

Legal and standards compliance
DTLF logo

A simple to use document environment with advanced capabilities

The CargoX Platform brings efficiency and trust boosting technology to trade finance institutions, shippers, carriers, manufacturers, ports, governmental entities and service companies involved in global trade. It provides them with advanced tools to create, transmit, process and manage electronic trade documents quickly across the globe, while the risk of loss or tampering is drastically reduced.


The CargoX Platform, with their API for easy integration into existing IT systems or through a ready-made web user interface is a perfect add-on in a modern working environment, not to mention that finally we have all the documents archived and document transactions visible in one place.

Leif Arne Strommen
Ex Vice President of Innovation G2 Ocean