Enhancing the efficiency and security of international trade

CargoX ACI filling solution significantly enhances customs capabilities by effectively combating fraud, accurately identifying high-risk cargo, and drastically reducing clearance times through enhanced data transparency and traceability. Learn more about seamless integrations with API connections below.

Early threat detection and timely interventions.

Pre-arrival verification of import documents.

More than 8 million trade documents processed


Elevate existing customs single window

The CargoX ACI solution elevates existing customs and/or single-window systems by utilising blockchain technology for secure and immutable data and document handling.
Designed with seamless integration in mind, the platform supports REST API connections, making it easy to connect with single window, customs, and other governmental agency systems. CargoX Platform is not a standalone system but a flexible solution that can be easily integrated into existing infrastructure, enhancing current processes without requiring major overhauls.


ACI implementation in Egypt 

The CargoX Platform is integrated with NAFEZA in Egypt to serve as the blockchain document gateway and provide effective and streamlined import document and record processing. It is a revolutionary testament to ACI capabilities.
Instant benefits of ACI implementation in Egypt include:

✓ Increased tax revenue by 13% immediately.
Reduced average cargo release times reduced from 29 days to under 6 days (for importers).
Reduced compliance costs from $600+ to $175 max.
Optimised multiple document flows.
Reduced document fraud and mishandling incidents.

increased tax revenue
29 → 6
reduced cargo release time
$600 → $175
reduction in compliance costs

Uganda NTFP-E

The Ugandan National Trade Facilitation Platform for Export (NTFP-E) platform will leverage CargoX’s Blockchain Document Transfer to streamline Uganda's export processes by integrating key stakeholders into a unified digital platform. NTFP-E is a blockchain-based collaboration platform that optimises processes and improves the flow of information among farmers, producers, traders, and government entities.

The main benefits of NTFP-E introduction:

Improve trade efficiency.
Ensure compliance with global standards.
Reduce the time and costs associated with international trade transactions.


United Arab Emirates NAIC

The United Arab Emirates will be introducing the Maritime Preload Cargo Information System (MPCI) for cargo bound to the country as part of its Advance Cargo Information system. The implementation will be overseen by the National Advance Information Center (NAIC), which is part of the UAE Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security. CargoX has been invited as the first service provider for the Freight Forwarders submission channel. 
Cargo operators, both non-vessel operating common carriers and freight forwarders, will be required to submit information electronically in order to carry out risk assessment measures before cargo is loaded for departure to the UAE.
The main benefits:

 Higher border security 
 Improved trade flows by providing the information on cargo before cargo is loaded at the port of origin


Abu Dhabi Customs

Abu Dhabi Customs and CargoX aim to establish a framework for implementing blockchain projects to provide better services to Abu Dhabi Customs clients and clear shipments before arrival.
Main benefits of implementation: 

Use of the Advance Cargo Information System.
Provision of a blockchain data transfer solution for importers and exporters of goods through maritime ports in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
Facilitation of the flow of maritime imports and exports.
Simplified, streamlined, and digitalised declaration process for imports and exports.
Enhanced security and efficiency of cargo clearance.
Reduced administrative burdens.
Improved fraud detection.

How CargoX API platform improves supply chain efficiency

Paperless. Instant. Automated.
In global trade, anticipating and managing incoming cargo is crucial. The CargoX Platform solution for customs processing, powered by a neutral blockchain, offers customs authorities a broad set of customisable features to facilitate streamlined global trade with invisible customs processing.

Pre-arrival risk assessment

Thoroughly review and verify cargo information before departure to identify potential risks early, ensuring timely interventions and compliance.

Fraud prevention

Secure, verifiable document transactions via blockchain reduce fraud risk with immutable transparency and audit logs for authorities.

Fully paperless process environment

Transition to an entirely digital workflow, eliminating the use of physical documents, making it possible for all processes to be executed electronically.

Optimised revenue collection

Improved workforce and resource utilisation lead to enhanced tax revenue collection and operational efficiency.

Authentic documentation

Receive tamper-proof cargo documents directly from verifiable foreign exporters, ensuring authenticity and rapid auditing with essential supervision points.

Parallel agency collaboration

Enable multiple agencies to work simultaneously on document sets, providing feedback and requesting amendments in parallel workflows.

Seamless single-window integration

Integrate rapidly with existing national single window systems or other software solutions.

Know Your Business (KYB)

The CargoX Platform ensures business authenticity through two step company verification, utilizing bank checks and third-party assessments like Dun & Bradstreet.


WCO Advance Cargo Information 

The electronic Advance Cargo Information (ACI) is a record of information needed to identify high-risk cargo prior to loading and/or arrival. The World Customs Organization Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (WCO SAFE Framework) harmonises ACI information requirements for all shipments using the WCO Data Model to ensure compatibility with cross-border regulators and international organisations. 


Global frameworks and standards compliance

The CargoX Platform frictionless customs solution fully adheres to the international standards and frameworks. These include the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law’s Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (UNCITRAL MLETR) and the United Kingdom’s Electronic Trade Document Act (ETDA). 

This facilitates:

  • Global conformity and future-proof customs implementations.
  • A predictable business environment, which is more attractive to foreign business operators and government entities.
  • Stronger strategic bilateral and multilateral partnerships.
  • Establishing secure digital trade corridors.
  • Streamlined global trade processes.

Typical CargoX Platform ACI implementations


Foreign exporter provides documents and records through trusted channel

In a standard ACI process, the importer requests an ACI filing number, and the exporter submits documents (PDF, JSOn, XML, or digital records, or a mix of all) via the CargoX Platform. The customs authority approves or denies the import, and after the importer pays duties, the cargo is released.

Domestic importer provides documents and records through trusted channel

In another common ACI implementation, the importer requests an ACI filing number from the customs authority, submits the required documents (PDF, JSON, XML, or digital records), and the authority approves or denies the import. After the importer pays the customs charges, the cargo is cleared for import.

Customisation possibilities

Workflow and integration

The complete import filing workflow can be customised for a specific type of customs authority process. 

Trusted document source selection

Choose the origin of your documents—whether from the foreign exporter, the domestic importer, or both.

Document types

Process information as unstructured documents (PDF), structured standardised documents (JSON, XML), or as data records, all securely signed and verified through blockchain.

Filing fee allocation

Filing fees can be assigned to either the foreign exporter or the domestic importer. These fees may be set by customs authorities or financial regulators.

Integration flexibility

Use the CargoX Platform as a stand-alone solution or seamlessly integrate it with your existing single window or other customs processing systems via REST API.

Bidirectional customs corridors

When both countries utilise the CargoX Platform, establish bidirectional customs corridors to enable the fastest possible trade between them.

A strong ecosystem awaits

Apply your country’s customs capabilities into the fastest-growing digital electronic trade document ecosystem and start receiving electronic trade documents for customs processing instantly.

companies on board
electronic trade documents to date

In pursuit of Egypt’s ambitious strategy for sustainable development and integration into the global economy, MTS succeeded in implementing the national single window for trade across borders to achieve the transformation from 19th Century manual & paper-intensive customs procedures to a modern, state-of-the-art, digital ecosystem and extending it to engage the trade community abroad by partnering contractually with CargoX to leverage their leading-edge technology and advanced solutions.

Captain Ossama al-Sharif
CEO and Chairman, MTS, Egypt

The CargoX Platform, with their API for easy integration into existing IT systems or through a ready-made web user interface is a perfect add-on in a modern working environment, not to mention that finally we have all the documents archived and document transactions visible in one place.

Leif Arne Strommen
Ex Vice President of Innovation G2 Ocean

We are delighted to announce the launch of our electronic bill of lading service in partnership with CargoX, a leading provider of electronic document solutions. This new eBL capability will enable us to deliver an enhanced service to our customers and spearhead the digitalisation of the shipping industry.

Kurt (Wonjun) Jang
SVP of HMM Container Operation Office

In our opinion blockchain is best used where trustworthy data and document processing is needed, and where transactions of ownership take place. For us the CargoX Smart BL is easy to use and even easier to implement, and the cost and time savings are just incredible. We are already looking forward to new products from CargoX - in our opinion the best in this field.

Ruedi Reisdorf
CEO of Fracht AG

Get in touch now

Get more information about the possibilities of rapid CargoX Platform ACI implementation in your customs processing workflows!
