CargoX among companies selected for e-FIATA Bill of Lading proof of concept
(Geneva, Switzerland - 10 March 2021) - FIATA, known as ‘the global voice of freight logistics’, has launched a proof of concept to test the tracking solution behind its e-FIATA Bill of Lading (eFBL). The document tracking solution will benefit from both FIATA’s digital identity and FIATA digital documents, which are the first two projects part of its digital strategy.
CargoX, the provider of the CargoX Platform for Blockchain Document Transfer (BDT), is proud to be among the volunteering companies providing this proof of concept for the eFBL.
FIATA has engaged with CargoX and other major software providers, as well as more than 20 other FIATA Association Members and stakeholders - shippers, banks, carriers, etc. - to test the full lifecycle of the future eFBL product, and to test the document tracking solution being built by FIATA.
CargoX is one of six eBL solution providers holding an approval from the International Group of Protection & Indemnity Clubs. The CargoX Platform provides undisputable, immutable, and cryptographically supported documents of title transfer for shipping, trade and logistics.
CargoX has joined the freight forwarding industry’s revolutionary initiative to help FIATA immerse its members in the upcoming fully digital era of shipping. Participation for partakers is planned for June 2021, and volunteering companies are scheduled to perform several structured tests and processes. After completing the tests, they will share their full feedback with FIATA.
The International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations is a nongovernmental, membership-based organization representing freight forwarders in some 150 countries. FIATA’s membership is composed of 109 Association Members and more than 5,500 Individual Members, overall representing an industry of 40,000 freight forwarding and logistics firms worldwide.
FIATA is a reference source on international policies and regulations governing the freight forwarding and logistics industry.
FIATA is committed to representing the interest of its members by actively engaging with the World Trade Organization, United Nations agencies and other international organizations, transport organizations, global partners and governments to promote and protect the interests of the industry. FIATA continues to work towards ensuring trade facilitation measures and policies that are fit for stakeholders of all sizes in the supply chain, for the effective recovery of international trade.
Additional info:
• Video about the proof of concept: eFBL video
• FIATA digitization projects: https://fiata.com/what-we-do/digitalization/projects.html